BrindleGregson app for iPhone and iPad
A very warm welcome to Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School! Our mobile app aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.
Our school is a single form entry school with 202 pupils aged 4 to11. Brindle Gregson Lane is a high attaining school, sited in a delightful setting. We are fortunate to have a modern building with a well resourced learning environment and extensive grounds.
Our school was judged to be good by Ofsted in January 2014 and was described as a “vibrant community school”. We are continually looking at ways to improve our school and becoming an outstanding school.
Our children are our inspiration. They are well behaved, show responsible attitudes to learning and are a pleasure to teach. We are absolutely committed to providing the very best education for all our children in an atmosphere where they can feel happy, confident, valued and are challenged to be the best they can be. The children also take an active role in supporting the local community and are eager to be involved in fund raising events for various charities.